Greetings! Meet Moo Moo and View New Artwork—

Greetings, I want to announce some new art work I’ve been creating. I am, quite honestly, having a lot of fun with these pieces. They are available for purchase unless marked. If you have any questions or would like to commission a piece of art, please feel free to contact me. And! I’d like for …

Breaking News: Debut Novel alert…come celebrate with me

Come help me celebrate—-This post is only going out to my subscribers. And first, in case I haven’t said it lately, thank you so much for your support. This post is specifically for you guys because I’m looking for a few more people interested in reading my debut novel…

An Interview With SC Voyager

. I was recently interviewed by the South Carolina Voyager. It was an unexpected surprise and an honor to be included in their Hidden Gems Section.
I hope you’ll support me and the Voyager by checking out my story…

Using Art and Writing To Survive Seasonal Depression:

Spring Greetings: Seeing sprouts and blooms reinforces to me that summer days are not far behind. Before we know it, we will be complaining about the heat and looking for relief indoors. When only a few weeks before, we were pacing from window to window hoping to see signs of life and sunshine. We never …

Persistence & Strength-New Art


I AM THE WALRUS, I AM THE EGGMAN Digital Art-sketchbook by auto desktop Prints Available On Demand HAPPY NEW YEAR and FIRST NEW ART…in 2024! It’s a new day, a new year, and hopefully a new us, right? Blah blah blah….does anyone else get tired of all these demands of self improvement each and every …

The Artist and The Little Blue Cottage…

The post’s author describes how they’ve embraced a simpler lifestyle at their home, the “Little Blue Cottage”. Here, they continue to create art and develop a growing interest in gardening. They share how these activities have deepened their connections to their home and each other. Despite this blog’s longevity, the author announces they will no longer regularly update it, instead choosing to focus on creating art, preparing for empty nesting, and turning 60. They are currently working on several projects, including a new coloring book and a children’s book.

I Remember Why I Began Blogging…

It is not uncommon to feel a mix of emotions when it comes to blogging. On one hand, there’s a sense of accomplishment and mental release that comes from creating a blog post. It’s a way to express yourself, share your thoughts and experiences, and engage with others who may resonate with your content. It can be an avenue for personal growth and self-discovery.

Artist Connections, Exhibitions & Exploration…

Collaboration is an essential aspect of the artistic world, where artists unite their talents to create works or participate in group exhibitions. Building a strong network of like-minded artists is paramount to achieving common goals and fostering growth….

Artists That Inspire Me….

In an effort to connect with my audience, I decided to reach out and invite input. I was surprised to receive a few responses, each expressing curiosity about artists that inspire me.…

Where should visual artists/creators focus?

Art Topic: Let’s delve deeper into the topic of the physical act of making art and the role of technology in the creative process…

The Value of Art To Me…

Art, for me, is not just a hobby or a way to pass the time. It is a fundamental part of who I am. It allows me to express thoughts, emotions, and ideas in a way that my words alone cannot capture. Whether it’s through bold color or delicate and intricate details, each piece I create carries a piece of my soul.…

Titles Have Never Given The Just Idea Of Things…

When it comes to creating art, one of the most challenging aspects for me as an artist is deciding on a title for a piece of work. I have often found myself contemplating the significance of having a title and how it can shape the viewer’s interpretation and experience of the artwork…

Summer & Rain Take Me Away…

Today, the gray clouds hang low and fill the sky as a steady rain falls. The sound of raindrops against the roof and windows creates a soothing melody, providing a sense of tranquility that washes over my environment.…

I Am My Own WIP…

Looking into my past years as an artist, I have much in which to be grateful. I am not famous by any measuring stick, but I know I am fortunate. Beginning without any acquired/practiced skills, and nothing but a passion in my heart and longing to create. I stumbled along my path for years….

Where Does Time Go?

I seem to always have an endless array of tasks and responsibilities to occupy my time during the vibrant seasons of spring through autumn. Every moment slips through my fingers like grains of sand, as if time itself is in a hurry to move forward. The impending commencement of a new school year looms on …

Artwork In Progress & Event

New work…An XL or XXL gallery canvas is definitely the way to tempt my artist soul.

Studio, Time & Frogs

In my studio I feel a sense of calm and solace. I believe being enveloped by our trade supplies, that most of us creatives are ‘in my space’. I do not refer only to creating time, but the feeling of being in the space you’re meant to be.

How Do You Define Success?

If you’d asked me how I define success twenty years ago or today my answers would differ, greatly. I imagine the same would be true for any one of us.

When I Was A Kid…

When I was a kid I used to draw two things constantly. Horses and clothes. Of course I thought I was destined to be a fashion designer and own horses and ice skate like Dorothy Hamill.

I’m Alright, Baby Girl, and New Art…

Greetings & Salutations, After my last blog, I thought perhaps a quicker follow up post is in order. I am still frustrated and feeling a little lost. But I am ok. I needed to let off a bit of emotional steam. Please, do not worry. I’m tough. Let’s move on.

Using My Frustration To Push My Art

I was struggling with my clay sculpture classes. I was totally lost-kept hemming and hawing, after about the third class my prof …

Sunflower Seed Thief, Other Sunflower Artworks & Van Gogh…

I love sunflowers. Always have. It is one of the reasons I am a fan of Van Gogh’s work. But, my first introduction to him and his work was through music….

Follies, She Sheds & Art Studios…

Follies, She Sheds & Art Studio…As we’re into the early days of spring and my mind is straying from creating art and more into studying all things garden and outdoor related…

Valerie Dowdy Art Shop is Integrated…And Tax Season

…Technology will no doubt be the cause of my death. That or bookkeeping, I’m just not sure which.

New Art

Foxgloves & Birdhouse Now Available

Art Blog Woes Cont. I’m drawing a blank on what to talk about in the blog now that I am here this morning. This happens after you’ve fiddled and fiddled again with appearance and settings and now you’re (I am) sick of trying to make this post look and work as it should. Foxgloves & …

One of The Best Gifts I Ever Received…

Share one of the best gifts you’ve ever received. You would think that it is easy to choose one of the “best” gifts I ever received. In some ways it could be just as easy as acknowledging that my partner, my children, family & friends, both two legged and four, are indeed my best gifts. …

Blog Crashes & Artist (Me) Is Distraught 😭 🤯

My blog page crashed!!!?? 🤯 but my tech guru aka Ashley the Eldest, has been helping me to get it fixed. We even had to call in the big guns aka Wordpress Support Team

A Little This & That Makes Art…

2023 is starting off with a series of Flora & Fauna artworks that I’ve been creating on watercolor paper, using ink, watercolor and acrylic pen media.

The Artist & The Asthmatic Gardener…

The Artist & The Asthmatic Gardener: An artist who gardens… Some of you might know about my garden page online. I want to talk about and look for input on this gardening page in particular in my post. I am considering some changes or additions in this case. My thought is to add The Asthmatic …

The Social Media Maven Wannabe…

The Social Media Maven (that’s not me) Wannabe (is me)…. has recently, and I’ll be honest, admit was inspired by my recent invitation to earn bonus money for creating reels. Social media is the bane of almost every creator existence, especially those that try to self promote their work and sell. I’ve been spending a …

A New Year, A New You…Right?

A New Year, A New You….Right?? or that’s how the saying goes. I am typically not the new year resolution sort and…

The Last Days Of 2022…

The last days of 2022 wind away into the ether, as most of us are reflecting on what has been and will be…

Bronchitis, Diaphragm Paralysis & ValArtist…

It’s all fun and games until I get bronchitis, right? And that is just what I went and did….and now I can’t seem to shake this ‘insert expletives here’. Ugh… Since a lot of you are most likely wondering how bronchitis can make you sick so long, I’m sharing my personal battle/journey, it’s going to …

From The Far Side Of My Art & Life…..

Greetings, From The Far Side….do you remember or know The Far Side Artist? The far side actually meaning that my bronchitis went from bad to worse. And by worse, I mean I wound up in an ER for 6 hours, and then admitted to hospital. Yep, you read that correctly. I am recovering now at …

Ain’t Nobody Got Time for that….

Nope, ain’t nobody got time for that! Currently I am down with bronchitis, it has been 4 days since I had a steroid shot, z-pack and pill ‘rhoid packet. I am a red faced, hot flushing, non sleeping and on the way to being totally a crybaby. for you viewing pleasure… It sucks! Actually it …

A New Artwork, “The Timeline“

A new artwork, The Timeline, to present today in my blog…

September Art Greetings…

September Art Greetings, where does time go, work in progress, loss of a parent

Hand painted journals…

I have decided to create a limited number of a keepsake painted journal this year. These hard back books are hand painted by me and I just added them to my etsy shop for the holiday shopping season 2022 Each book is 8.5×11 inches, with 110 blank 75 lb pages by artist loft from Michaels. …

What’s In A Title: A Lot. Or Nothing…

What’s In a title? A lot. Or nothing. Many artists will not or do not like to share a title for their art. The arts personal meaning is very personal and causes an internal struggle with revealing too much in personal experiences or emotions. Another reason we do not like to title work, is the …

The Magic Of Trees

The magic of trees has intrigued me most of my life. They’re a place to rest, a place to ponder life or just while away time on a hot summer day.

All roads lead…where?

I know I know! It is a landscape….WTH!!?? Val doesn’t do “landscapes”. But she just did and it here is the proof. ​

New Purpose & Look

Greetings to all, A new purpose and look for this blog is to apply a sense of meaning and purpose as well as refreshment. it is very obvious that I am no longer able/willing to post every week. If forced, I could come up with some claptrap that would be basic and boring, but that …

…30 pieces of art

30 piece art series by valerie dowdy surreal artist

Stalled & A Bit Uncomfortable…

If I am being totally honest, I am uncomfortable with my inability to create and it’s been going on for a prolonged period of time. If I had words, or were able to work through the many feelings I am experiencing while I share this in a post, then I’d probably/definitely be painting. Part of …

I Love The Crow’s Personality…

Just when you think you understand your art and where you’re headed your brain throws you a curve ball and you’re making a cheeky crow piece. There’s really only one way to explain this, or at least, what I believe this to be about. There is a murder of crows that hang around our area. …

It’s Officially A Series …

I’ve lost count of how many pieces there are in this series but they just keep coming. I learned a long time ago to ride the train when it starts rolling. It might suddenly stop, but sometimes something beautiful happens. You just do not know until you…let it go. Wait…isn’t there a Disney song about …

A Digital Art Series

Sometimes at night while we watch tv I like to draw/doodle in my digital art app on the iPad. I use Adobe Fresco and Autodesk sketchbook both. I like them for different reasons. The biggest being i like a simple to understand app that will not do everything for me. I prefer the way these …

Buy a piece of The Kiss by Gustav Klimt …

Will you be buy one of 10,000 nft pieces of The Kiss…?

January’s Ending & February Begins….

Late January Greetings and Salutations, Our weather has been cold, blustery, but passing very quickly which surprises me no end. I am usually struggling mightily by the end of January with seasonal blahs. Still my craving for some color and dirt filled garden/flower days does not wane. It feels almost like a physical ache. Anyone …

The Eve of Christmas Eve…

2021 is quickly winding down and to a close. just like that, it seems as though 2021 has flown by and is coming to a close. As people gather together to celebrate the season, my thoughts are conflicted. Do I write I about my struggles to organize my thoughts and blog regularly. Or do I …

Never Apologize For Your Studio….

My studio has its own personality. At rare moments it is the very model of simplicity and organization. But it is usually a monstrous clutter from one end to the other. A lot of people are surprised to see my messy studio. But I could care less. My studio is the one place where I …

Greetings from the studio….

The holidays are officially upon us. Hard to believe we are winding down yet another year. I don’t know about you guys but I am so worn out with the worries of these last two years filled with illness and fear, loss and financial burdens. I sometimes wonder if life will ever be the same …

Lost-In Her Own Mind…

LET’S ART TALK: I’ve decided to back up and talk a little more about my recent painting. I believe I mentioned how this painting just started to come to me suddenly and I didn’t understand or know what it was about, so I just painted. And I painted. Sometimes I struggle with composition when my …

It’s Beginning To Feel Like Xmas….in October??!!

First the Calendar News So I don’t forget to tell you! The calendar will be ready in a week or so….I am only making limited quantities of this calendar, so get them asap for gifts. $25 will include shipping in US contact me to arrange international shipping Ok, now Christmas, that’s right I said Christmas! …

Fall Equinox

AutumnYellow the bracken,Golden the sheaves,Rosy the apples,Crimson the leaves;Mist on the hillside,Clouds grey and white.Autumn, good morning!Summer, good night!by Florence Hoatson It has been about three weeks since my last post and felt that it was time to update you on what’s going on in my studio. It was fairly uneventful until a few weeks …

New Artwork….

When the muse takes the wheel of
You Art…

August Thoughts & Art …

“August rain: the best of the summer gone, and the new fall not yet born. The odd uneven time.” Sylvia Plath I relate with these words by Sylvia Plath on the month of August. It is my birth month. I am a true sun worshipper, but the August humidity and temps run me inside more …

What’s On My Canvas…?

Greetings from my studio! It is becoming increasingly difficult for me to get these posts in on a regular basis and I do apologize for this, yet another lapse. I am making art. More personal art and in various ways. Summertime usually inspires a little selfishness in my time and art. However, my canvas is …

Blame It On The Rain…

I have a thing for borrowing song lyrics and using them as titles. What can I say, I listen to music often. While this has absolutely nothing to do with my art, we purchased a new Bose sound bar and sub woofer and I gotta say that it really ups your sound experience. (No this …

What’s In A Surname?

Tuesday Greetings,I have finished with the mural project. (Well my part is over anyway!) Now the owner (my son Shaun) needs to wipe off the chalk lines and apply the clear coat. The project was on hold awaiting the family name sticker. I don’t do letters. Nor did I want to purchase stencils that would …

In The Merry Month Of May…

Catching up on the art blog May 2021

Hello, Remember Me, The Artist Who Blogs Here?

I know, I know…no excuse for the lengthy gap in posting. Not that I have not been working, because I have. In fact I am working on illustrations for over a month now for a children’s book. I’ll talk more about that more later. I am close to finishing. So, yay! But spring is here …

Getting Out Of My Own Way…

is probably the hardest requirement for creating my art. Whether you are a painter, a writer or whatever, it is hard to let go and allow ‘the muse’ to direct your decisions during the creation process. One, because we like to be in control, or at least to think we are anyway. (We all should …

Exclusively Curated For You Offer…

I have been thinking… (I know, a dangerous pastime). As a immunosuppressive individual my art business has suffered in the last year along with everyone else. It is looking like this year will be a repeat. I am not one to sit around and feel sorry for myself (not very long anyway). So, I have …

One Race, The Human Race…And My Art Muse

I threatened on my Facebook Art Page to talk about this series I am talking about today. I have been working on what I am calling the Madame Butterfly series (this is subject to change). I have seven installations now and am working on an eighth. They are taking on a life of their own. …

New Subscribers Greetings & Poem Revision 2…

Greetings: Hello and thank you for following/subscribing to the blog. Please send me your addresses and I will send you a little thank you. Also, to any of my other followers, if you read this and send me a comment or email with your address, I will send you a gift too. Also, don’t worry, …

View post to subscribe to site newsletter.

“Morning Glory” Previously Known As “The Kingfishers Mistress” Is Mostly Finished….

…I think. Art and Poetry: My Gift I am alone with my thoughts. it is early. I sip my coffee, I drink in the silence. We awake to her light. The sun glides silently, From behind the mountains. I sit, Breathing deeply, All is quiet, Except the birds. They sing her praises. I listen and …

Remember The Kingfishers Mistress artwork…?

The Kingfishers Mistress was painted this past year and blogged about here. During December this piece kept drawing my attention. So I pulled it off my studio wall and planned to cover it and repaint something different. It was propped near my easel and as I worked on holiday commissions I had more time to …

It’s A New Year, Its A New Day…and I’m Feeling Good

As I began this New Years post I’ve tried to think of the right words that could express all, or at least express some, of the things we’ve battled as a people, living in the historical time of a world wide pandemic. It actually still perplexes me to say and write those words… And as …

Five Days Before Xmas…

And what have you done? Another year older and a new year is almost begun…it’s that time of the year. Time to reflect. Time to plan and begin anew. Let’s talk about art: I have a bigger commission piece that came in late, but after a sucky 2020 it is hard not to find time …

December Art Greetings…

Late Blogging Greetings on this cold Wednesday morning-here in Central Virginia anyway. I needed a little break from blogging, if you’re still there, thank you for respecting and understanding this. However, taking a break from attempting to write does not mean I have been breaking from Art. Indeed, just the opposite! Fortunately art commissions began …

Fine Art, Cacti, Succulent Art Prints…

Greetings, After the really personal share, I sort of got nervous about having shared something so personal. I needed some time to process the fact that I did in fact do that and you’ll be happy to know I’ve dug out an old journal for writing down the private stuff. You’re welcome. Now let’s get …

Sometimes You Are The Bug & Sometimes You’re The Windshield….

Warning: If you’re not up for some personal reality then you might want to skip this blog. I don’t know about you guys but 2020 has been super tough on me. So many things have happened that if I start listing them all I might have a meltdown, so I won’t (you’re welcome). But what …

A Not So Funny Thing Happened On The Way To My Studio….

(More about the title later) Impressionism is the name of the genre I know…a big change up right? But it is a commission piece and will be making its way to the new owner. It has been a long long looooong time since I have worked in this medium and if I am being honest …

Art Title: Golden Crowns For Princesses…

Finished…. As a native plant of North American no other plant has such global significance as the sunflower. From its beginning as a prairie weed, the sunflower is now one of the world’s leading oil seed crops, second only to soybeans. Early American natives used the sunflower long before corn and beans were brought to …

Sunflowers-art in layered progress…

I am discovering how to layer my acrylics to create a richer deeper look..

Ah! Sunflower and My Art…

Artist blog sharing sunflowers, poetry, personal thoughts and art in progress

Inspiration Must Find You Working…

Art: There’s an old expression I’ve heard applied to writers who are struggling with block. It says the best way to break through a block is the application of the ass to the seat and writing/working. I seem to be guilty of that myself lately. I am unable to find my way into the studio …

Once Upon A Time…

…A Story of Angst & Frustration Begins There was this artist who also blogged. She had just enough digital/technical knowledge to be dangerous in most cases. She created a blog post two times only to give up on them and not finish. Then one days she made this fabulous post with all this positivity and …


August seems to have slipped up on me in these days of hermit-like conditions. We are all struggling as we adopt and adjust to new normals in our life. We struggle. We laugh. We cry. Some of us, even garden (me) as we try to cope. But time keeps rolling along and here we are …

Full Of Grace…

Someone commented that inside this painting remindEd them of dancers and commented I should title it Full Of Grace. I like the symbology connection they made between the stamen and dancers. A lot actually. But I am not sure I am sold on the title. But, this got me to thinking about dancers, ballets, ( …

Cherries & Flowers

Lately, I had lain aside my surreal self portrait to curb an urge to paint this piece that’s rather traditional in subject matter, but hopefully a more contemporary perspective. At first i was going to call this piece Wine & Flowers but have second guess myself and given it a generic title that states the …

Let Us Descend Together…

how an artist uses small things to affect her behavior and life during all the political, racial and virus quarantine.

I’m Painting Normal Stuff….

surreal artist paints normal stuff….covid has pushed me too far!

I Am Baaaackkk!!!

Greetings! I disappeared again-and I am back! this time it was not my fault. Well, it actually was my fault because I didn’t catch a problem with the WordPress theme I was using until it was so convoluted (thanks theme maker for abandoning your theme and NOT telling me) that it was a total FUBAR. …

I Like Candy…Monday Motivation

It is the start of another week, and at a current drizzly 58F degrees we (Bernie and I) have accepted that today is our first truly yucky day in a series of long hot dry days. It is not ideal for working conditions. Especially when you are a get down and crawl around in the …

To Plant A Garden, Is To Believe In Tomorrow…

Hello my friends. I hope this blog reaches each of you in safety and good health. I’ve been trying to think about words I could possibly say in this blog that are worthy of your time and simply am drawing a blank. So much divisiveness. So much anger, hurt betrayal, loss, and disgust have overwhelmed …

Self Portrait in Progress…

Struggling art blogger catches up on her blogging and progress of her very first representational self portrait…

Let’s Play A Game…

Valerie Dowdy Art trivia and giveaway

My Paintbrush Is My Instrument, Your Support Is The Catalyst…

On A Personal & Artistic Note: While I was under the weather, I needed to retrieve art from a group show. I had participated never expecting to suddenly get laid low with bronchitis/pneumonia. When it came time to pick up my work, we were having trouble making arrangements and a kind artist friend picked up …

Art Created For The Eyes & Ears….

art and music come together in custom painted violin work

Spring Gardening & Self Published Coloring Books…

A Personal Note: I can’t seem to keep to my blogging routine lately. I’d like to blame it on the imposed quarantine lifestyle. But I have to admit, in part it is my distraction (obsession) with spring and flowers. My art almost always hits a lull during this time of the year. I experience cabin …

When Art Historians Look Back At Art-How Will The COVID19 Pandemic Change Things…

How will our arts change after the pandemic

Please send bread or flour…

On A Personal Note: I am at the point in my recovery where I am still sick enough that focussing is difficult, I get tired just from taking a shower, and really want to resume some of my idea of normalcy again. But for whatever reasons my brain is muddled, and mush. It happens every …

Introverts v. Social Distancing

Art Update: I have been holding on to this image because I was not sure I was finished with the piece. But as I’m struggling to keep up social media posts while being under the weather, I thought I’d share it today. There is something about this piece that really draws me in and i …

Sick & Tired…

Of being sick. My asthma went sideways, turned into bronchitis. Now it’s progressed into pneumonia. I’ve been fighting this for a month now and I’m worn out with it. So yeah, I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. In light of the virus scare, you should see me clear an area when I …

My 10% Perspective…

On A Personal Note: In fall 2018 I wrote a blog about fall and how I was feeling/reacting to the weather decline. I came across some wisdom in this post that I’d shared. It was meant to uplift myself but hopefully it will others too. I spoke so eloquently that I’m surprised it is from …

Roads Less Traveled, WIP & Art Receptions…

On A Personal Note: It seems that my surrealist leanings are being highly influenced with nature, flowers, women, pearls, vines and other natural and highly symbolic imagery. In a world that’s working so hard to end more gender bias, and encourage neutral environments, it seems I am choosing to follow a different path. But then, …

First ARTwork of 2020…

First artwork finished for 2020 by valerie dowdy art

Not Quite Dead Yet, Art and life….

Valerie Dowdy Art-I’m not dead yet, art and life

What’s Up With Lace In My Art? Fashion Is Art, Right…?

Friday Greeting 1: Some unrelated art sharing-After we moved to Central Virginia, sold our house back home, then moved yet again into our permanent home a year later and in between sold and emptied our place back home, my back & hips, which are not the strongest, took a beating. I find myself almost three …

Friday (Now Saturday) Thoughts…

Addendum: this post was supposed to have published yesterday but for whatever reason failed. Art News: First my sad news: After sixteen years of existence of the riverviews co op, and gallery space of over 2500 sq feet has officially dissolved. We met earlier this week to make it official with maintenance decisions. I joined …

One Of Those Rare Moments Every Artist Craves…

One of those rare moments that every artist craves

Pop Up Art Show…

Popped in (he he) to put this poster on my blog as a reminder, and to re-invite you Downtown (Commerce Street) this coming Saturday. December 14, 10-2pm 11 Artists in varying fields and styles Mission House coffee & local goodies available 100% of Booth fees are going to a local charity for grieving children in …

Holidays, POP-UPS, And Coloring..

Destination Lynchburg, holidays, coloring events, pop up art event, and more

Monday’s Are For Beginning…

beginning the week with new art on the easel, a fun journal cover project, and friends coloring with me this past Saturday

Valerie Dowdy Art blog update…

Every fall as I watch the leaves begin to change and feel the coolness in the air, I remember it is time for the monarchs to migrate to the mountains of Mexico . A Journey that takes them up to 8,000 feet above sea level, and nearly two months to complete. For more on them: …

Welcome to my art studio, my happy place, my creative space, where I find peace.

Welcome to my art studio, my happy place, my creative space, where I find peace.