You know the old saying, that if you hang around with certain types of people they will rub off (influence) on you? I am proof that this is true.
Since quarantine began, I’ve spent a lot of time alone and I’ve turned to groups I follow in social media for some companionable interaction. I try to stay as far away from the other (*cough* political *cough*) stuff. On a positive note, my garden and yard are reaping the benefits. I’m even playing at gardening with a 4×10 foot raised bed. Anyone need any lettuce? Did you know if you don’t thin down radishes enough they grow into carrot like sticks that are so tough you can’t eat them? They do!
The topics that I do choose to follow are all about flowers, gardens, landscaping, cottages, and so on.
So when I went upstairs today to work on my self portrait, I sat down, I just could not get a feeling for it. Instead, I selected a new canvas and placed it on my easel. Then, I gave in to the urge to paint flowers. I laughingly told a friend earlier that I’ve just spent way too much time in the garden and garden blogs because I am beginning to paint “normal” stuff. Hah!
I didn’t really have a proper plan or idea in my mind, so sketched out a rough drawing on the canvas and began. Next thing I know it is 4:30 pm. We had a rain shower and I had left my car windows down-didn’t even know it was raining! I am so stiff from not having taken a break too… good grief. But it sure felt good to find that place again.
After hobbling downstairs, here I am writing about today’s work in progress. I feel so drained. It’s a good feeling, but I think, rather I know, I gave it my all today

"The further I get,
the more I regret how little I know…”
― Claude Monet
Until next time. Peace, Valerie