On A Personal Note:
My household is consumed with Black Plague. There are things that have happened recently to my husband, that are best left non verbalized. Suffice it to say, that here in the Dowdy household, January is going out like a lion. As for me i am playing nursemaid, struggling with my own set of non related to his issues, and trying to dodge the plague. Here’s hoping for a better February!
The most important part you need to take away from the previous paragraph is that I am not painting, making art cards or anything resembling creativity. Not that the desire isn’t there, but that just too many things beyond my control have prevented work happening.
Art News:
Gonna cut to the point quickly here….
Bower Art Center
February 2020
Saturday (tomorrow) I will be schlepping over to Bower Art Center to drop of some work I entered in the upcoming Curry/Bower juried exhibit. I hope you get a chance to go over and look at the work.
Side note: I love that art center and bedford area, the friendly people we’ve met in there art community too. I’ve wished more than once we’d explored that area before we bought our place. It’s very lovely.
I keep forgetting to tell you about the book illustrations-I have a copy of The Tribe Of The Ten Trees and I promise I will share some images and more next time. What nice billing I was given on the cover. Did I mention book 2 is already being worked on?

Until next time.
PS-what do you think about my new layout on the blog? love, hate, indifferent?
Peace, Valerie
Old Man- “I’m not quite dead yet”. ~Monty Python and the Holy Grail