Greetings to all,
A new purpose and look for this blog is to apply a sense of meaning and purpose as well as refreshment. it is very obvious that I am no longer able/willing to post every week. If forced, I could come up with some claptrap that would be basic and boring, but that is not me. However, I am committing to myself this new purpose and cut down on some of the middle man fees and expenses associated with selling my art.

This purpose has taken form in a complete overhaul of my blog. Nothing fancy, or flashy, just me slogging through the muck of my limited understanding technology to revamp the look and reason. At the best of times, my limited knowledge (and more limited patience) are average at T best. I’ve always said that I know just enough to be a danger to myself and anyone who tries to assist me.

The Blog!: My blog is still here (obviously), and i will still create art posts. Going forward, however, the blog is more about a storefront, portfolio and contact point and less strictly a blog. Please help me by taking a few seconds to check out the links and in particular the product page. I am officially able to sell through my site now. I am also able to accept credit/debit cards, PayPal and Apple Pay. I won’t lie, setting all this up was a B1+€H!! SO, I really would love to hear from you guys about the look or any issues you see. Or just let me know if you like it or not and why..

In-between i am sharing new art work to keep you scrolling, is it working?!

until next time be safe, healthy~Valerie