
9×12 inch watercolor paper
Multimedia-ink, acrylic pen, watercolor
Available for purchase
I love sunflowers. Always have. It is one of the reasons I am a fan of Van Gogh’s work. But, my first introduction to him and his work was through music. I listened to Starry Night by Don McLean and had to know who & what this song was all about-ohhh baby…the 70’s. Definitely aging myself here. 😬

9×12 inch watercolor paper
Multimedia-ink, acrylic pen, watercolor
Available for purchase
Maybe after another 20 years of painting I can achieve a closer conveyance of the sunflower as well as Van Gogh. One can only hope…

9×12 inch watercolor paper
Multimedia-ink, acrylic pen, watercolor
Available for purchase
Van Gogh Sunflower Facts:

Dimensions: 2′ 5″ x 3′ 0″
Location: Van Gogh Museum
Created: December 1888
Medium: Oil paint
Periods: Post-Impressionism, Modern art
Subject: Vincent van Gogh, Sunflowers
2: Did you know that during a brief stay at the Yellow House, Gauguin painted Vincent at work in a canvas entitled, The Painter of Sunflowers.
3: What is the meaning of the Sunflowers painting? The ‘Sunflowers’ were meant to symbolise gratitude-Together, the paintings were to form a triptych. The two Sunflowers were the ‘yellow panels’ that would intensify the colours of the portrait. Vincent thought that the triptych as a whole symbolised gratitude.
“Which makes it ironic my favourite flower isn’t even indigenous to the British Isles, let alone Yorkshire. I don’t think there’s anything on this planet that more trumpets life than the sunflower. For me that’s because of the reason behind its name. Not because it looks like the sun but because it follows the sun. During the course of the day, the head tracks the journey of the sun across the sky. A satellite dish for sunshine. Wherever light is, no matter how weak, these flowers will find it. And that’s such an admirable thing. And such a lesson in life.”
Calendar Girls Movie
Until next time…Valerie