Dreams, Places & Visions Art Exhibition

Please help me share the information about my upcoming art exhibition with fellow artists Tom Morris, and Suzy Eick. Due to (human) error, I have been unable to receive my invitations to mail. So, I am going to try to hit social media heavy this week, and realize, unfortunately, that it’s late to expect any long distance attendance. Should you be interested in a specific piece, you can contact me privately. I will help you with any transactions.

Since I am still pretty new to the region, I don’t expect a large turn out on Friday for the opening reception (on my behalf) but will appreciate any efforts, and all the good thoughts, wishes, and karma you’d like to send my way.

The show will be up through May, with a First Friday Reception on May 3, 5-8pm, and then on Thursday, May 9, myself and the other two artists, will participate in an Artist Q & A. Join us! (I definitely need the practice).

Where?? Lynchburg ART Club. This club was formed in 1895 (yes I said 1895!) here is a link if you’re interested in the history https://lynchburgartclub.org/about/ which is very interesting, check it out!

1011 Rivermont Ave. Lynchburg, Virginia -Photography by Valerie Dowdy 2018

Event info on Facebook: Dreams, Places & Visions Art Exhibition

For more info contact me directly.

Peace, Valerie

Which painting in the National Gallery would I save if there was a fire? The one nearest the door of course. ~George Bernard Shaw