Artist Trading Cards-A Succession Of Small Things

I talked about the artist trading cards earlier, and that I’d jumped into creating my cards early on. Since then, the other twenty four have been doing the same. I recently posted on our group page in FB to remind everyone (including me) that we are on the thirty day countdown.

I am finished with my cards and just need to ‘cull’ a few of my less favorites,

Artist Trading selection
Valerie Dowdy Art-Artist Trading Cards

Personally, the biggest challenge of the cards is working so small! I prefer working on larger canvases, or walls. Reigning myself in to 2.5×3.5 inches has not been so easy.  I have had fun exploring designs and the spontaneity of the process.

On June 15, we will trade cards and a lot of us will get to meet in person for the first time. I’m looking forward to this aspect of the event. But most of all, I am excited to collect my cards from the others and to gather an extra set that will become a mini exhibit in the art space upstairs.

I ran across a quote a while back that we intend to interpret as our title.

Afterwards, I’ll share my collection of cards, so you can experience the variety of artwork by everyone. I’m looking forward to seeing them all together in one place.

Art update: My work in progress has been languishing in the easel while I’ve taken advantage of the spring days to get our landscaping tidied up. It’s hard not to enjoy these days before the heat and humidity of a Central Virginia summer sends me fleeing back indoors! I do love playing in the dirt.

