What’s On The Easel?

I’m in a crunch to get some more work cranked out for an upcoming show

Where? Ebb & Flow it is near the base of Wintergreen Resort in Nelson County. Here are some fun facts:

  1. A couple from Charlottesville remodeled a place connected to the Series, The Walton’s.
  2. Waltons tv series. (A lot of you are probably are too young to remember)
  3. The area boasts an entire hwy (6) devoted to beer (and some wine)…so add it to your agenda if you’re ever in central Virginia.

The Art Show wi go up August 15, that is soon! Too soon. ((Panic)) I will only be posting once a week for the next bit. I’ll try to keep it on the same day (Tuesday). For some reason, you people prefer to view my blog/posts most often on this day. I don’t know why, I’m just glad you show up, and/or subscribe.

(((Thank you!)))

There is a story, actually a photograph that inspires my new art in progress. I’ll talk about that more later.

Work In Progress-Valerie Dowdy Art ©️all rights reserved

Peace, valerie

It is not the job of art to mirror. Images reflected in a mirror appear to us in reverse. An artist’s responsibility is to reveal consciousness; to produce a human document. (Squeak Carnwath)