What Do Slurpees and Meatloaf Have In Common With My Art…


It is a little Artist humor on a Thursday.

Most of you will probably not appreciate this meme unless you’re

a) old enough to know Meatloaf, and

b) you are or have an artist in your circle.

BUT, here we are.

FYI-The artist supply struggle is real. 🙂

If that doesn’t do it for you, maybe knowing that today is #worldslurpeeday at 7.11 will help get your day going. The kicker to get your freebie is that you have to download the app to get a free drink. Knowledge is power people!

Still not into this post? Where is the art? Never fear! Here is my beautiful lady I’ve been working on like an obsessed person. I am sure I will find a few things i need to tweak, but here she is in all her floral glory.

Now I need to come up with a title…Sometimes I feel too closely connected to the work to understand or see how others relate to the piece, and where my biggest struggle comes from in finding a title. most of my titles suck! I’m sorry!

Valerie Dowdy Art-©️2019 all rights reserved

“The whole culture is telling you to hurry, while the art tells you to take your time. Always listen to the art.” ~Junot Diaz

Peace, Valerie


  1. Phyllis Hollenbeck

    Art supplies are an obsession! As addictive as…….
    Fill in the blank.