Ebb and Flow Of The Seasons Change…

Ignore the spackle, I am prepping for a repaint of the living room.

As with everything in life, creativity ebbs and flows, seemingly with its own agenda. Or, so it seems. My desires to create have slowed and are flowing in a different direction or way as the fall equinox influences. I do not know, but I feel the tug every fall. A desire to fluff the home nest, to bake and tackle those ‘homey’ type of projects create stronger urges than rushing upstairs to paint.

Fall Basket with locally grown gourds and pumpkins

In fact I hadn’t even felt the need to paint for a few days, and there is one waiting for my attention. I don’t feel a sense of fear about that either for a couple of reasons. Creating prolifically for a few monthsI have had an opening, and an art talk, both of which, took a lot out of me mentally. Or…Maybe it is a natural response to impending (or dread) of fall and winter seasons. With cooler mornings ahead, and holiday seasons lurking on the horizon, a sense of preparation is necessary for my own self care and healthy mental health.

Art news:

if for any reason I mislead you into thinking that my brain isn’t buzzing with painting ideas or a desire to create, let me be clear, I am not. I just need some diversity in my routine. There is still a painting on the easel, and still snowmen to be finished for the contract (see last post for a recap).

In a few weeks, there might be new news regarding a project that I have recently been approached with. Details will follow if it is viable. And yes, I am being deliberately vague. 😉

Next Event: Art on the Fence – put on by the Diamond Hill Historical Society~October 12 from 10-4, I am Showing some art, coloring books, etc. Come out for some early shopping or to say hello and support the artists.

Until next time,

Peace, Valerie

An empty lantern provides no light. Self-care is the fuel that allows your light to shine brightly.” – Unknown