“The Garden” Finished & Sketchbook Is Digital!

First: Check Out My Sketchbook Here My Sketchbook is digital.

It was my first time participating, and I definitely learned a few things along the way. Things I wish I’d done differently and other things, I just I wish that I had included. Plus I just noticed the back page is upside down. I was surprised to see that it’s been viewed 22 times already, since I’ve only share it with my immediate fam. if you’re ever in Brooklyn, New York area you can check out the library and check out the physical books themselves.


Peace, Valerie

Guess what? There’s another one on the easel!

PS-Mark your calendars! September 7, 3-5pm, Reception for the art show!

“To some, gardening is therapy for the mind. Art is therapy for my soul.” – Reno