Blog House Cleaning & Random Info…

This week and next will be a sort of housecleaning blog thing, your patience is appreciated. I am preparing for the quickly approaching gallery show and art talk with Seven Hills Art Club. And yes, everyone who knows me, knows that I am in high stress levels.

Send deodorant!

I love to talk about art, large groups cause me to panic, sweat profusely, and forget my name-not to mention, what I’d planned to say. Please send me good karma, prayers, love, wishes, vibes–all good stuff.

Like I don’t have enough on my easel/plate I’ve started another painting (yes another one-but it won’t make the show date above) I attended a pop up art thing (Sunday), met with a person to discuss working on a new coloring book project through winter (I’ll talk more about it soon), and have ordered materials to fulfill a yearly service award contract for a company I’ve worked with for several years.

I officially announced round 2 of the Lynchburg Artist Trading Cards event (join us on our Facebook group to get involved) and learn more. We will begin in November

Until next time, peace, Valerie

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.~Henry David Thoreau


  1. Tamra Sorrels Igo

    You will be awesome! You are an ARTIST.