Art Is The Gap…

Life is full of twists and turns. Not, unlike the current piece I’m working on, or the roads leading up the Appalachian Mountains we traversed recently. The days were a lot cooler, and the views loftier. It’s a beautiful country, that time seems to continually forget.

BENGE’S GAP JAMES WALKER ROBINSON MEMORIAL SCENIC OVERLOOK (image used from is one of my favorite stopping spots to enjoy our mountains at approximately 2450 ft. Follow that highway you see and you wind up in Big Stone Gap where we lived before we relocated to Central Virginia.

New Art:

Did I mention that I’ve agreed to speak to an art club in September, for 45 minutes?? Good grief, that is sinking in and I’m starting to panic!!!!!!! Why can’t that part of art seem to get easier for me? 50+ people, I’m getting sweaty just typing this sentence.

sneak peeks of a couple sections of the piece i am currently working on….

Peace, Valerie

“What art is, in reality, is this missing link, not the links which exist. It’s not what you see that is art; art is the gap.” – Marcel Duchamp