The Language of color

It would seem that I have buried the disciplined daily blogger…..and become a vague impersonation.  Reciting a list of legitimate excuses and/or justifications for my regression would serve no purpose, other than to be just that, pretenses.  I will not waste my words or your time. 

In the last blog, I shared with you my most recent art in progress, and I have not painted for almost a week. Here’s looking forward to Monday…

The absence of art from my daily routine always takes its toll. I am a better ‘me’ when I am creating.  There is no easier clarification, when I am creating art it is the main component of what makes me who I am, keeps me sane, and above all complete.  Does that sound cliche’? So be it, if it does. 

Upcoming News:

The Language of Color

by Valerie Dowdy 

 Charles W. Harris Gallery
located in the Lonesome Pine Public Library, 
Wise, VA 24293
August 14 through September 23, 2012
                   *Reception will be August 23, 2012 @ 5:30-7:30 pm*
This show is an artist’s diary created in abstract expressionism, which utilizes colors and texture to approach the gray area of emotions transforming them into a visual language.
Valerie Dowdy
