The Insomniac Artist…

Insomnia strikes again!

I go to bed, fall asleep, sleep maybe a couple hours (if I’m lucky) and then I wake up and I mean wide awake….It is 1:15 am as I sit here listening to him snoring softly (hubs),. It is officially his birthday today.

Happy Birthday to you…. Happy Birthday to you….Blah, blah, blah…..And many more!!

He hates to be on social media, but perhaps he’ll forgive me this time, since he’s with our grand-dog, fur-baby, Copper Bloodhound Dowdy. This guy is 120+ pounds of lap dog, and belongs to our son. He can brighten the most curmudgeonly of dispositions, at any time. And, he loves his grandpa.

Art Related Info:

(TMI Alert) I am sick of surfing social media, looking for ideas and/or new articles in order to “jump start my $10k monthly online sales”. Does anyone else go through this I ask myself? It only takes me a second to realize that, of course you do, otherwise every single one of these art related media venues would cease to exist. And let’s face it, if these people had the magical elixir figured out, we would know! And we damn sure would not be able to read the ‘trade secrets’ without paying a substantial price.

Sounding bitter? I hope not! I’m just giving myself the reality check I need at times. Especially when the clock ticks ever closer to 2 am, and I’m still here, awake and working on this post.

When I can’t sleep, I doodle. Or, I write blog posts and search for new ways to ‘get rich quick’ in the art world. I know….I already said this once. I’m not delirious….yet. It’s my lead in….Here is a digital doodle that I began yesterday and finished today. Will it become a painting? Possibly, but at this point, I can’t say for sure. I’ve been looking at banyan trees and an idea has been brewing ever since.

In the meantime I’ve been working my way through forty bags of mulch this past week. Yes, I said 40. I’m going to need about 10 more…the little blue cottage has required a lot of TLC since we bought it. I am growing more and more fond of living simpler, as time passes. In the beginning it was quite difficult to adjust. As soon as I finish the grub work and can sit back and enjoy my efforts, I will be happily ‘porch sitting’…..and (who am i kidding here) most likely looking for more ways to dig my hands into the dirt and mulch again.

That’s when I am not painting, of course!

Last tidbit…I’ve committed to teach a summer art class for the month of June. Should create some interesting, upcoming blog posts. Stay tuned and we’ll see!


(2:15 AM)


You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life, but this.” 
 Henry David Thoreau