Day 17: ….the Mona Lisa has no eyebrows, shaved eyebrows were the fad at that time!

     The answer to the trivia question is Munch. I think that one was too easy! I will have to make it harder for you art lovers out there. 

      The subject of trees is a great subject-conversationally and artistically. Trees are something that any art appreciation level can relate with. Sometimes, what seems to be the easiest to understand is actually very intricate. The subject of trees offers me the ingredients to create and discuss life, art and nature. Because I relate trees to all of these categories and see them as tangible examples that the faithless can lay their hands on and connect to.  Most everyone can relate to a tree, from a childhood experience or a simple respect for nature. From the inner most core a tree teaches, and provides a knowledge of life by how it has survived, and provides sustenance. When I look at a tree I see a lot of things, but most obviously it’s personality- nurturing, proud, timeless, sensual  and seductive-all of these things. 

For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver.~
8 x 10 Oil on Canvas $100