Day 117 The Objective is Perception

8×10 oil on canvas
We have reached some crossroads. The entwining of emotion to art, and  we (I include all of you) have almost come 1/3 of the way through this journey. 
Time flies when you are having fun!!
Something to remember: abstract art, it is NON objective and NON representative. 
Your perception is the objective. 
 Smoke and mirror #2

Aren’t you glad I didn’t decide to take my artistic journey into surrealism genre instead? I have news for you. If I can figure out how to actually put a few pieces together in my time frame. My goal is to try! They are much more labor intensive, definitive and symbolic. 

Title: Goddess Divine
18×24 in. 
It took me about 2 1/2 weeks to complete. After I worked in my art journal on it for about another week or so! 
Have a great Friday Night,

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