Are You A Crayon Or A Marker Person? Perhaps You Are Somewhere In-Between?

Partial shipment of coloring books are in, and reactions are positive!
Abstract Expressions by Valerie Dowdy

As I am organizing some paperwork this morning, it occurs to me that many of you will soon be coloring and enjoying drawings that are my creations. Wow. This kind of messes with my mind, but in a good way, as I try to imagine what materials you will use and how your personalization and creativity will take form as you are using the coloring books. 

Coloring Book Image 
Coloring Book Image

My my next thought and questions are what mediums most of you will prefer? (“medium” referring to, are you crayons, colored pencils, markers or paint pens kind of people). I hope to hear from you and see some of your finished pages. 

I would love to create a page, to show off images you and your pages that you are particularly proud of, including reviews if you care to share those with me as well. 

If you do not live near me, not a problem! Use the link on the right and you can order your own copy of  Abstract Expressions and I have them shipped directly to you or as a gift! 

 I really hope to see some of your personalization and hear about your experience.


all images are copyrights of Valerie Dowdy Art 2015 and not to be used with out express permission

One Comment

  1. So happy to be given a privilege to post a comment here. You have a wonderful site. Thank you for the effort to publish this.
