Abstract Expressions Enjoys Nationwide Visitors….

We came, 
we colored 
and we had a blast! 

Thank you Kingsport Fun Fest 
and the many smiling faces I met this past weekend. 
You made my day special and fun.

Please enjoy this slideshow of ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONS COLORING BOOK booth some of my visitors during the Maker Faire this past Saturday. I am very pleased with how the event turned out, it was a great friendly crowd. I met many new faces nationwide, colored with individuals from 2 to 92 and I sold coloring books! 

***In just a few weeks I will be posting the name of the drawing for Abstract Expressions Volume Two! One of these smiling faces in the video WILL be the recipient of Abstract Expressions Volume Two, stay tuned….! 

Don’t forget to pick up your copy of 
Abstract Expressions Coloring Book for all Ages
links are provided on the left for Amazon, Etsy and my own online store. 

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. 

yep, this is me below (sneaky friend strikes!)…
