The next event coming up is really BIG and exciting news for me! Barnes and Noble of Johnson City, TN is hosting an AUTHOR EVENT for Abstract Expressions Coloring Books on October 10, 2015 from 1-3pm. I plan to incorporate a coloring book party station to make the event even more fun! I am really excited for this opportunity and hope you will come help me celebrate. 

***Buy Abstract Expressions Coloring Books on BN.COM or AMAZON.COM
<——OR buy them here directly from me!

***Read more about the event here: Abstract Expressions Author Event with Barnes & Noble

If you follow me on Facebook (The Custom Brush), or join my group, Coloring For Adults SWVA, you can  receivw free downloads. I love to draw/sketch/doodle, as a result, I will always have more images than I know what to do with, sometimes I share. 

©valerie dowdy art 2015
this image is for personal use only, any authorized reproduction or profit is a copyright violation. 
acknowledge artists and credit them for their work!
