Good evening dear friends,

Hopefully, you are wondering what I have been up to for the past week and why I have not posted. My husband and I ventured out on our first vacation sans children.  Who, well, lets just be honest here, are far from being children.  Being a close family, we have always spent our time with as a family and now that we have three productive, educated and successful young adults whom we are very proud of (does that sound like a biased or proud mom to you? I hope so!) it seems the time has come to venture out on our own.

I believe we can declare our first attempt a success. One of the highlights for me was visiting The Dali Museum.  WOW.  I loved his work before viewing it in person, and getting to visit the building is magnificent experience.

I couldn’t wait to climb the stairs to infinity (as I like to think of them) and view the amazing collection of his work for which the Morse family are largely responsible for.  As I wandered around taking photos (I can’t take credit for these), I could not help but feel as if the architect channeled Dali himself in the design.  Comparing the linear and spiral details juxtaposed with the  phenomenal panoramic views and myriad people-I could not help but feel as if I had become part of an animated piece of Dali’s work.  A living breathing piece of art.  I highly recommend the gallery, if you ever find yourself in the St. Petersburg area.

The new art cards that I added to the ART CARD PAGE  are here and I will be taking them to the studio this week.  They turned out really nice.  My square has arrived! I am now set up to take credit cards for the business! What a simple tool to use and great solution for small business owners.

I will leave you with a couple photos, that show off the spectacular views that I experienced this past week.



  1. Wow! Getting poetic here!! 🙂 …xoxo….cd

  2. I'm so glad that this adventure was fun!! I had hoped to hear you were staying forever and then we could all have the a beach home to go to. I'm still jealous, but more happy that you all had a great time! Love you!!