Day 85
4 x 12 x 2 oil on canvas

I come to you with an over imaginative mind, a heavy heart and worried soul.  Nothing unusual for an artist, right? I won’t bore you with details, and melodramatic statements (although trust me I am more than capable of demonstrating some).  But, I need your good thoughts, karma, spirit, prayers or whatever positive energy you will share.         I will explain later.  

There is STILL no art, I am feeling as dry as a bone, artistically.  I have been sketching some ideas for an upcoming commission, but thats about it. If they were worth sharing I would post them. So instead I will provide you with some shameless plugs for some deserving souls……my creative children.

Shameless Plug #1:  My eldest daughter who is currently traveling cross country and should be in South Carolina by the 15th.  I am having fun watching her progress via a cool app that allows me to stalk her.  She has an online paper which you just might be interested in checking out, entitled All But Misthought A Little of this and Some of That. (click the title to check it out)

Day 208
8 x 10
oil on canvas
sold (i think)

Shameless Plug #2:  My youngest daughter, recently created a blog in which she shares her poetry. The name of her site is Poetic Tryst , she is also kind enough include a piece of my artwork with each poem.  If you dig poetry, she is pretty darn good go check her out.  (Click the blog title.)

Shameless Plug #3:  I don’t want my great and wonderful favorite son (I tell him this, he replies…..I’m your only son) to feel left out, so I will share with you only the fact about him that he is a really great sketch artist, but would kill me if I showed any of his work.  

This concludes the shameless plugs and mysterious, whininess (is that a word?) for the evening…..
