Is everyone ready for a snowy Thanksgiving? Well you sure as heck better be if you live in Wise County. We have about 3 accumulated inches here in Big Stone Gap and it is still coming down!!!! I am sure my friends and family up the mountain could report more. The elevation in BSG is 1,535 ft and up the road they hit 2,685 ft in Wise (I looked it up). Hence, the variances in snow and temperature levels.  What is unique about that is that it is only a 15-20 minute drive.  

As I sat contemplating the, quickly developing winter wonderland, that my back yard is becoming, am very grateful that I didn’t have to get out on the roads today.thank you, Boss, I won’t embarrass you and give your name 🙂* It didn’t take me long to figure out how to spend part of my freebie day.  

The personalized gifts have been a bit hit. There has been a lot of positive feedback and I am taking orders and delivering designs as quickly as I can get them painted. Thank you to everyone who has been excited about the designs and are kind enough to support this local artist! 

And so, below I am sharing with you those pieces that I have been creating from my toasty, warm studio at the My View at 1502 easel today. 

close up of one piece 12z24 stretched canvas hand painted

this is a little wooden sleigh that a client found and asked me to paint

Four Good Friends with get Four VERY similar gifts from their Friend