
This week my oldest daughter took photos on one of her outings along a beach near her. These pieces she made into black and white images. She often works in monochromatic color schemes and has an attention to DETAIL which I can never compare to.  The content, which could disturb some, arouse emotions of a grisly or gory side to the ocean/beach life. One which is not often portrayed by artisans. I think they are quite beautifully, macabre and thought provoking as they portray the dire and moody side to the circle of life.

Ashley Dowdy Photography 2014
Ashley Dowdy Photography 2014

Ashley Dowdy Photography 2014

Ashley Dowdy Photography 2014

In contrast, my youngest daughter uses painting as a form of tension and stress relief and has no fear of color and textures. I quite admire her brushstroke work and style. She too was dipped into her artistic side and shared her progress. I see mirrored in her work a similarity to Van Gogh. She often paints with her palette knife and rarely uses brushes. When she has access to my oils her work takes on a whole new dimension. Today’s work is one of many layers in which this particular canvas has been covered with, although I am liking where it is going a lot, if she chooses to add yet another layer, so be it.

Cassandra Dowdy Art 2014

Since I too had taken up my paint brush this week, I thought it fitting to share the results of us three combined today in my blog. My work in progress on the nude I began sometime back is below.  

Valerie Dowdy Art 2014
Acrylic on Canvas

“If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you: 

I am here to live out loud.” 
