Two Weeks Away…


As I sit here early this Saturday morning pondering the day, I realize that I am on another countdown.  Time is drawing near for the art show.   Holy Crap!  Why the exclamation you ask, and I will reply, that is easy to answer:

If you are still following the blog and the progress you will know that I I am awaiting the arrival of the eye screws, screw eyes, eye hooks….I do not really care what they are called, I just needed 400 of them!  Thanks to a facebook friend (Grayson) with a connection to a local business Gap Lumber (thanks guys!) the screws are on the way and should be here Monday.

As you will recall I spent a good portion of last weekend typing and preparing title cards, and cutting card stock.  The result of this attempt has caused a permanent parting of ways between my printer and me.  To say that the printer and I are no longer on speaking terms is putting it kindly.  Paper jams, off center printing, paper jams, temper tantrums (these from me), and did I mention 37 pages of off center cards and paper jams, led us to this ending.  Again, I am saved by local business folk.  I have business cards, title cards and flyers thanks to The Coalfield Progress printing department (and Bill). (well, they will be in my hands today) This leaves me with one printing issue, labels for the invitation cards. To which I reply, I gave up. The printer wins.  I wrote them myself.  It might not look as crisp and professional as I want, but with a missing piece of title card lurking in the depths of the printer and time drawing nigh, I was left with limited options. Time is of the essence now and this will have to suffice.

This weekend will hopefully finish with the title cards mounted on the card stock, some flyers & invitation cards distributed and mailed. Below I will post pictures so that you may see my designs.  If you happen through my neighborhood this weekend, and should you pass by my house do not be surprised if you see a printer sitting at the edge of the driveway…



Business Card




  1. Nancy,

    I am so glad that you have been here to cheer me on and share your art as well. I have enjoyed this project and all the challenges it has brought my way. I hope to continue blogging until the reception/art talk from this blog until that is over. Hopefully I can convince everyone to follow me when I create my next project. It just seems a shame to do anything here other than My View related material . Is that weird?

    I currently spend a great deal of my free time working on the show and
    I am really in need of a painting session "fix"!


  2. Valerie – everything looks fantastic! I wish I could see your show – I think it will be wonderful! Good luck to you – and thank you for this wonderful treat that we've all had this year, watching your work. — Nancy