“Its not nice to fool mother nature…”

Happy belated Halloween greetings to you all. I hope you enjoyed your festivities. Here in SW Virginia we had pouring rain with blustery, cold winds. This slowed down the numbers of trick or treaters to 72 this year. The worsening weather followed up later in the night by bringing snow in to the higher elevations and patchy ice for us. 

The good news…we are back on an upward trend of warming weather, normal fall weather that is. 

For a bit of fun I am sharing a photo of myself and hubby. We were invited to an evening party/movie get together. It has been a while since either of us have dressed up, so behold, Mother Nature and a kilt wearing, flask toting, feather in his cap Scotsman as the result. The coolest factor (besides having fun) is that I won most original costume

Mother Nature and the Scotsman

Attendees of the Event 


On to the subject of work/art, I am still cranking out holiday orders of canvas art and hand painted ornaments (for more details on those see previous post) that make for great gifts to an individual or family. Especially those who are hard to buy for, or that you want to give a personal touch to their present. 

I am also working on some designs for a set of Christmas cards. I will be able to sell prints on wonderful quality card stock, featuring my artwork. These cards have been favorites in the shop and other places which I have consigned them. I have the art work finished, which I will share with you below. 

I would love to hear your thoughts on this idea or the designs….


Front Side of the Card

Back Side of Card

My biggest problem is (as usual) the photography of the designs. I am struggling to get the lighting correct, to provide the best possible image for the art work. I love using SHUTTERFLY for production of the cards, they’ve always created really nice quality paper card stock with printing that is always wonderfully crisp and accurate. I have tried others in the past and been disappointed with the outcome of the artwork or image. (no, shutterfly did not pay me for this endorsement) 

I will try not to post as often for the upcoming holidays, unless I have something unique or different to share with you. I tend to get a lot of similar design orders and I wouldn’t want to bore you with only variations of the same themes. Please feel free to contact me with questions or regarding orders or commission work.
