He who has a why…

It has been too long since I last posted.  In order to make amends and help myself feel less guilt about this I am over compensating this day.  I have included a bunch of photos (terrible as usual) of some things I have been working on.  You will see a tote bag, the finished tree quilt and a few smaller squares that I have cooking in my brain.  A large burlap piece that I call Bird in the Bush I plan to quilt. IF I can pull it off, I believe it will enhance the piece even more.  The problem to this is that the burlap is very hard to work with (or it could just be me) and I might ruin the piece.  I guess I will find out soon.  
As the holidays roll closer, I am thought filled. I wonder how others cope with the season, the eating, the shopping, their families, sickness, death and the other unexpected and stress filled events that orchestrate the season.  I lost a friend to cancer this past week.  We attended services just last night.  Her family looked exhausted and I am sure were experiencing a sense of relief for the end to her suffering.  For those of us who did not prepare for the conclusion of her life (me) it is not so easy.  I have this ache in the center of my chest.   The sadness of her death, stress of life, and all the other unimportant things in life that keep nagging at me.  I have been searching for some way to eliminate the negativity, anger and sadness that I am carrying around. 
As I have been preparing the blog entry, I always search for quotes or words of  “wisdom” in which to inspire me as well as you in your art (if you are an artist), sooth for the heartsick and bring happiness or encouragement to you in some way.  Assuming that I am not the only seeking peace. 
I found/remembered a couple quote that hit pretty closely to the mark. 
The first– you can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection. How many times do we forget that in order to love others we must find love and peace from within our own selves first? 

And– You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.


Hello Tote Bag
close up
Finished and Untitled
WIP-Bird in the Bush

4 x 4 square

4 x4 square
he who has a why to live can bear almost any how~Neitzsche 

4 x 4 square