Day 6: …..Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.

     I want to thank everyone that has been supporting and encouraging me and to let you know that your efforts are not in vain- I have some news. The site stats for this blog are almost at 300. I know. some blogs get that many a day. But we are just getting started, and I am working on becoming more techy so that I can increase the traffic. Regardless, I am still excited and amazed! Its assuring to know that there people out there on the other end and they love art, and care about the process of creating.

     Part of the purpose of this blog is for me to open up and learn how to communicate to others my creative process. Things that motivate and inspire me.  In an attempt to do so, let me say this about myself, I am a very tactile person. I love textures, color is as important as coffee (and thats pretty damn important stuff to me), the outdoors and sunshine. I love the ocean. The one place I feel at peace and complete. With summer coming to an end, I am fighting off fall blues.

      Painting sunflowers is like capturing and preserving some. I mean, isn’t that what painting really is all about anyway? An attempt to preserve a moment, a thought, or an emotion. To grab on to it- put it down on something tangible, and say hey, I was here, me, I experienced this, and it meant something to me-and I want  you to know it too.



  1. This is my favorite one so far!