Day 37:…….. I Do Believe In Art for Arts Sake.

“From My Window-Fall & Rain” -8 x 10 Oil On Canvas $100

Its raining buckets here in my corner of the Virginia this evening. As I watched the rain smearing the views outside, I just felt a strong compulsion to do the piece I did tonight. (Sorry, S. I will get to Night tomorrow) 
I want you to “get” tonight’s work and understand what it represents. Therefore, I am going to do something I do not do very often-give you my two cents. Abstract is about taking a subject and simplifying. (for you analytical types) By breaking it down into individual colors and hues, simple shapes, blurring the lines and allowing it all  to meld. You create a cohesive piece. Simple you think? Not so much.  While there is definitely an emotion reaction within abstract this is also true of any piece an artist creates. (or I think that anyway) 
Sometimes a painting will be completely emotional. By that I mean an exercise in concentrating inward, and not analyzing any choice before hand. Color, to me, makes the world go round. I can not think of any instance where people are not influenced by colors. Have you ever thought about the choices you make when doing simple things like how you dress, or decorate your home? If you look around you will realize you do select certain colors and patterns. Whether you do so consciously or unconsciously.  When you want to portray or experience certain emotions you will repetitively reach for that same color palette to help you reach that emotional balance. 
When I create art, specifically abstract, I am simply breaking down the barrier of line, and form and trying to allow the colors to speak for me (remember visual words) the colors may stand alone or blend together. I may have a hard harsh line or attempt to erase hard lines. Whatever, however, it must all flow in a composition that engages and involves the viewer. When it does, I have done my job.


*quote by E. M. Forster