Day 150

8×10 oils on canvas

This piece was inspired by my view of the mountains as I headed home today afterwork. Of course nothing is blooming yet, so I used my memory and a bit of creative license to give it some zip.



  1. You can't die, you're my mother; so no worries.

  2. …am I dying and someone forgot to tell me?????

  3. Ok I have looked over your new art pieces and I have to say they are very interesting and different from what you normally do. Your brush strokes are bigger and bolder. I like it. There are several I really like and could see hanging in my house, lol. I know this may sound cliche' but Sis you amaze me, A truly gifted artist like yourself can do all types of art not just the ones they like. You have been kissed by an angel with the gift of expression. Love it and Love you so much. Others are inspired and in awe of you. Keep going !!!!!