Day 14:……..Acts of creation are ordinarily reserved for artists and poets. To plant a tree, one need only own a shovel.

“Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children.

     Since I am still on my recycle kick, I wanted to share something with you about my work, and our efforts to become a paperless office. Not to say that in our line of work we use no paper, rather, that we have become more aware of the necessity to reduce the waste. Unfortunately, I do not have data on how our efforts have translated financially. I can speak about how much I personally have been able to reconfigure my work routine with minimum effort, and complete tasks more quickly and efficiently. And, how many less trips I am making to a copy machine-and I like that. Yesterday, I posted a quote that in essence said the greatest mistake we make is doing nothing, because, we think we can only do something small. But, as a plastic bottle and bag using,  ease of lifestyle kind of chick, I admit to being, I am proud to give back in any small way.

I refuse to believe that every bag of plastic I save from the trash does not make a difference.

I hope you feel the same way.

Regards, Valerie


  1. Valerie, I love love the painting, it is beautiful. I agree that every small choice we make sets off a chain that we aren't even aware of. Recycle, Let trees live so we can live. Keep going Val, you are awesome!