Day 123 ….when the evening shadows and the stars appear

8×10 mixed media on canvas   $125
Every time I look at this piece tonight the second verse from the “Make You Feel My Love” by Adele keeps popping into my mind. You know I usually do not give away titles, but that line (used in the blog title) is exactly what I am saying in this art. If you are not familiar with her version of this song, you should click the link I have provided and have a listen. I like it very much. 
Many things motivate artists, and what works today might not work tomorrow. Pent up energy, can buzz inside my brain all day. Barely waiting to fly out through my brushes and knives. This energy makes it hard to concentrate and focus on simple tasks. Other days my art comes about more subtlety and with a quietness. These days may be blissful, ONCE I find them quiet bugger. Do I know which it will be? No. What I do understand though, is that music helps me  to relax and trust my instincts.  Choosing music is completely intrinsic, a very important step in my artistic process. At this point, I have engaged two of my senses, and  the elements of  this collaboration are beginning to take the chaos and produce a productive result.
Do not, however, confuse how the music influences me and my work. ( by making assumptions such as rock equals angry). The music is simply a tool to help me undo the puzzle and find the art. 
Two Days of explanations.Whew…this is harder than doing the paintings!!


My Palette, Isn’t it beautiful?