Day 12: ….but the golden tree of life springs ever green

     Did anyone catch the new blurb about Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger? It appears he vetoed legislation that would allow school districts to “water down” requirements for foreign language and art education in high schools. GO ARNOLD! Wouldn’t it be great if all decision makers saw the merits and value to, at least, exposure in languages and arts? I recently heard about a school system that wants to begin foreign languages in the middle school-beginning with 4th graders. I think this is fantastic (and I am sure at least one of  my children will concur).  In an era where blending of culture has become a reality-I say its about time!
      Today is sunflower number ten, and maybe the last one. Not to say I am done with them altogether, but the winds are blowing me in a different direction. (that was intended to be a hint) We will see what happens when tomorrow actually gets here. For tonight I leave you the intention to be back tomorrow, and best regards until we met again,

All theory, dear friend, is gray, but the golden tree of life springs ever green.


  1. PS You've inspired me…APOD

  2. Have the sunflowers slipped into winter?