Day 329

8 x 10 oils on canvas

…I like this piece. It feels good and it makes me happy. Yellow is a great color. I love how painting with yellow makes me feel.  The feeling that resonates through me when I see yellow is better then any drug. 

   Suddenly, I feel this overwhelming urge to paint with the color yellow and I am sure that quickly approaching fall weather would most likely be the culprit. The crisp air, and electric blue sky are breathtaking. Mother nature paints the mountains of Southwest Virginia and they are beyond describing with mere words. Fall is probably the most inspiring and colorful season as it fleeting spreads a glorious bounty of colors. Gone as quickly as it appears, it is the harbinger for encroaching cooler weather.
    Does anyone else experience the pull and sadness as summer casts its lengthening shadows?   I surely do.


  1. Nancy, thank you–yellow rocks. I have a couple different shades on my walls. Grab some yellow already, what are you waiting for???
    I imagine that you are looking for some relief from hot southern temps. But a hot day beats snow ANY day of the week in my book!

  2. I would love to experience a few crisp days! This long Florida summer is wearing me out. But, when I lived in the Midwest, I always got depressed in the Fall – cause Winter was sure to follow! Love it when you paint with yellow! I must try it!