Sunday has popped around more quickly than I am prepared for, yet it seems my creativity has taken a hiatus.  

After I shared the canvas wreath last week on the blog and with a few friends, one asked if I could do something for her that was seasonal rather than holiday themed. Here is what I came up with for her, minus the hanging ribbon. 

If anyone else is interested in having one made please contact me.  I will be glad to make a few more.  They are fun to make and I am enjoying a little break from more serious work. I added a contact widget recently on to make it easier to contact me.

……I am a closet college football fan and I have decided to out myself today.  How or when it happened is really not important, in fact it is a pretty common story.  In my home we grew up watching sports with our dad, and like most children you become a fan by association.  Why, if my dad even thought for a minute that I did not still support the Steelers….well, lets just say that it would not bode well for me.  Dad is willing, however, to tolerate my disappointing lack of interest in professional football because I am a girl.  Whether or not I agree with his rationalization, I  readily accepted this absolution.  Then, I had a son. He loved football and joined leagues as soon as he was old enough.  Even I became pretty good at throwing spiral passes after hours in the yard practicing with him.  Then one day he watched a movie about Notre Dame and a boy named “Rudy”.  He was enthralled, and a family of ND fans were forged. Looking at things from this perspective, I see now that even guys need a Cinderella story. If a young man is going to pick one to hold on to, I think my son made a good choice.   

……so how about those Irish!!!
PS~ don’t forget to check out the sneak peak of the the limited edition ornaments posted on the side bar of the blog.  They will be for sale beginning November 29.  They are glass bulbs which are painted inside and out!